The 2002 CGCC Christmas Party
CGCC club members and their guests are invited to the CGCC Christmas Party to be help Saturday Dec 21st 2002 at the Tacoma Elks (1965 South Union, Tacoma WA 98406.
Social Hour 6:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm
Cost is $20.00 per person
Payment must be mailed to Marilyn Underhill (1815 No. Villard St Tacoma WA 98406) and received no later than December 17, 2002.
We are also requesting that each person bring an unwrapped toy for our annual toy collection. These toys are distributed to foster children all over the Tacoma area.
Menu will include Baron of Beef and Ham, Salads, sides and wonderful desserts.
Come have your picture taken with SANTA! He will be at the door to greet everyone who attends.
Other events
Magic Show by Sukuma Avery
Dinner Music by Carolyn Graf
Recognition of CGCC Lifetime members
Chair Persons
NEWE Awards
and introduction of the 2003 CGCC officers
We look forward to seeing you all there!