23rd Annual 5-Star Weekend
What you should know
Name: CGCC 5-Star Event
Date: August 24th - 25th 2013
All events will be held at
Clover Park Technical College
4500 Steilacoom Blvd. S.W., Lakewood WA, 98499
Driving directions to Clover Park Technical College, Automotive Campus.
From I-5 North or South, take exit #127 (Hwy. 512) to South Tacoma Way. Turn right on South Tacoma Way, get into the 2 left lanes immediately. Follow the left lanes to 100th St .SW. Go left on 100th St. SW through 1 stoplight, across rail tracks to next stoplight at Lakewood Ave. SW. Turn right on Lakewood Ave. SW, go approximately.3 mile to the 1st Clover Park Technical College entry sign, turn left into the Campus about 100 feet to the Show. Look for the CAR SHOW signs.
Howdy Partner –
Mark the date and ride on down to the Homestead (Clover Park Technical College) on August 24, 2013 for CGCC’s 23rd Annual 5-Star Classic All Car Show. This year we are featuring a fun Western theme!
So, ride all your horsepower over to our show corral. You will enjoy our western hospitality and enjoy the “All Car Show” including valve cover races in the barn, a horseshoe toss in our pasture along with many various vendors and all-day raffle prizes in the paddock.
At noon, we will spur our mounts with everyone starting their engines and enjoying the roar of all that horsepower!!!!
The day keeps going even after the car show so join us for refreshments in the saloon where soft drinks and good old western adult beverages will be available. Before you know it, the time will pass into the sunset and we have prepared a western hoedown, complete with scrumptious food, magic show by Cary Durgin, an auction and more awards.
“All” Cowboys and Cowgirls are invited to join in this full day and evening of fun.
Last year we had many suggestions on how to improve our program. So this year, we not only have all categories from previous times, we even added more. Cars will be parked as they arrive with no special sections. You can park with friends on arrival—just inform parking attendants and they will do their best to accommodate you.
If you enjoy showing your car and sharing good times with friends and fellow car people, this round up event is a must do!!!!
Still want more fun? There is a cruise out on the range for those that enjoy riding their mounts around the area taking in the sights. All events will be held or start at the Clover Park Campus (Homestead).
Reminder: If you register by July 31, 2013, you will automatically be entered for a cash prize drawing. Must be present at evening hoedown to win. More detailed information to follow or you can contact CGCC committee members with below listed addresses:
•Website: www.classicalglasscorvetteclub.com
•E-mail: annual5starclassic@hotmail.com
Best regards – 23rd Annual CGCC 5-Star Committee
Celebrating our Club’s 45th Anniversary
Show Flyer and Registration Form
Trophy Categories
Top 5
Antique Era thru 1925
Classic Era 1925-1948
Chrome and Fins Era 1949-1963
Muscle Era 1964-1971
OPEC Era 1972-1983
LED, TBI, FWD Era 1984-1994
Resurgence Era 1995-now
C1 thru C6
Numerous Specialty Awards
Separate Awards for NWACC judged cars per NWACC Rules