Please contact our events chair, John Johnson, for any questions regarding these events. John can be reached via email at


JUNE 2003

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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June 7th CMCS 8TH Annual Show 'N Shine, SeaTac Village Mall,Federal Way, 11:00AM, followed by a tour. (NWACC #1)
June 10th  CGCC Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
June 14th CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM
June 13th-15th "Vett-A-Bration", 30th Annual Show-N-Shine. Pool Party, Poker Run, Road Ralley, BBQ's, and a good time. Lodging at the Doubletree (509) 248-7850. Valley Vettes, Yakima, WA
June 14th North American Eagle Garage Tour 11:00am
North American Eagle is a jet powered land speed record car and their headquartered right here in our own backyard!  Well actually it's more of a plane, having been converted from a military surplus Lockheed F-104A-10 aircraft.  We'll meet at the McDonald's Restaurant near the junction of I-5 and SR 512 at 11:00 AM and caravan to their facilities from there.  For more information about their project, go to the following URL:
June 15th Corvette Owners' Picnic, Lk. Sammamish St. Pk. [Fathers' Day]
June 20th-23rd �Peach City Beach Cruise� tour with BCCC, Penticton, BC
June 23rd-26th National Corvette Caravan
June 26-28th 50th Anniversary Celebration (Nashville)
June 29th-30th 50th Anniversary Celebration (NCM)