Please contact our events chair, John Johnson, for any questions regarding these events. John can be reached via email at



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TBD �Seattle in September,� (CMCS), Seattle
Sept 9th CGCC Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
TBD Corvette & High Performance Open House, Olympia, WA
Sept 11th - 13th NCRS Northwest/North California Regional in Welches, OR. Info: Wes Rhodes 503 657 1245
Sept 13th CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM
Sept 13th-14th

Mt Hood Corvettes and RUSS Chevrolet will host their 1st Annual NWACC  [NWACC # 4] Sanctioned/Points- Show and Shine, Concours and Rally. For full information go to these web sites:


Sept 20th - 21st

Cascades Loop Tour with CMCS. Stay at the Winthrop Inn 800-444-1972 or the alternate hotel, Best Western Cascade 800 468-6754. If you would like to go with the CMCS please make your reservations soon. For info call: Rick Milsow, 425 486 2309 or email

Sept 21st Auburn WA 100 years of Wheels and Deals.. Classic Cars-Rods and Trucks, 9am to 3pm at the Auburn Super Mall in Auburn. For registration and more information contact: Russ Rickerson at 253 8627375 or email at
Sept 27th - 28th Corvettes de Olympia will host their Annual Event, NWACC #5 Sanctioned/Points, Show N� Shine, Concours, Rally and Autocross. More information will be forthcoming shortly