Classical Glass Corvette Club
Classical Glass Corvette Club of Tacoma, (CGCC) is a non-profit organization established in 1968 and incorporated in 1970. CGCC has five strong purposes for its foundation and has endeavored to meet those goals each year.
CGCC has developed a solid base for serving the community through both funds and activities. It has always been exciting to help the communities with our support in parades and shows, but it is gratifying to financially support many programs like The Family Renewal Shelter, DARE Program and DSHS Christmas Child Care.
2000 OFFICERS OF CLASSICAL GLASS Bob De Pirro, President
Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs We belong to the Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs, (NWAACC), which is made up of many clubs from Oregon and Washington. NWACC normally holds 6 weekend events each Spring & Summer throughout Oregon & Washington. An award banquet is held in the fall for overall NWACC points Trophies. An NWACC weekend of activities consists of Concours, Show N Shine, Rally, Autocross, Tour and an Awards Banquet.
ACTIVITIES IN BRIEF AUTOCROSS A full day of racing with classes for all cars, including a novice class for beginners. Usually followed by "fun runs". Fun runs do not earn points and are just for�.what else?�! CAR SHOWS Concours d Elegance: elite competition, top show. Show N Shine: casual competition, driver vehicles. RALLYS You are given directions and clues to answer in a time frame.
Classical Glass meets the second Saturday of every month excluding December. Meetings begin at 7:30PM at the National Distributing office, located at 8607 Durango Street SW, Tacoma, Wa. The Second Saturday of December is our annual awards banquet and installation of officers.
Before being eligible for membership into CGCC we require the following:
Our club sponsors are NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING/BUDWEISER, R & B CONSTRUCTION and FRIENDLY CHEVROLET. National Distributing also provides the club with a beautiful facility for our Monthly meetings.
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