Classical Glass Corvette Club5 - STAR 2003ONLINE REGISTRATION |
Please complete the following form to pre-register for 5-Star 2003.
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Middle Initial | |
Street Address | |
Address (cont.) | |
City | |
State/Province | |
Zip/Postal Code | |
Country | |
Work Phone | |
Home Phone | |
Year and Model of your Corvette.
Select the events you plan on attending:
Awards Banquet
Please enter the number of Awards Banquet tickets you would like:
Please list your club affiliation.
Please check if you are sending in your registration fees ahead of the show:
Event Prices
Autocross - $27.00
Rallye - $17.00
Show-N-Shine - $19.00
Concours - $19.00
Dinner - $20.00 per person
T-Shirts - $12 each (please state size)
Please Send Checks to:
Classical Glass Corvette Club
%Pat De Pirro
7905 North 8th Street
Tacoma, WA 98406