Classical Glass
Corvette Club -
contact our events chair, Dave Baine, for any questions regarding
these events. David can be reached via email at
JANUARY 2002 Jan 21st - Corvette Z06 Signature car will be at Friendly Chevrolet - Bring your Car out to this fun event. Jan 23rd - Olympic Torch passes by Friendly Chevrolet. All Corvette drivers and club members invited to come out and watch as the 2002 Winter Olympic Flame passes by the dealership.
FEBRUARY 2002 Feb 5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm Feb 9th- CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30pm Feb 9th-10th- Corvette & High Performance Swap Meet, Puyallup Fair Grounds. Info: Larry Johnson at 360-786-8844, or Feb 15th-17th- Rod & Custom Show, The Expo, Portland OR. Feb 18th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm
MARCH 2002 Mar 5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm Mar 7th-10th - Seattle Roadster Show, Stadium Exhibition Center, Seattle WA. Info (877)236-0632, or Mar 9th - CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30PM Mar 17th - St Patrick's Day Social, "Guido's Downstairs" at the Cliff House Restaurant, 6300 Marine View Drive, Tacoma 6:00pm Mar 18th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm
APRIL 2002 April 5th-7th - 38th Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center, Portland, OR. April 9th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm April 13th - 15th Annual Tulip Rally by MGCC/NWC, Mt. Vernon WA April 13th - CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30pm. April 14th - Skagit Valley Tulip Festival Tour, Mt Vernon, WA April 15th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm April 20th - Daffodil Festival Parade, Tacoma/Puyallup/Sumner/Orting, WA April 20th - All-Club Invitational Spring Brunch & Tour (CMCS, details TBD) April 28th
- All City Rally XXII, Corvettes de
Olympia, Olympia, WA 9:00AM MAY 2002 May
Route 66 Fun Run, Seligma May 3rd-5th - Mild to Wild Car Show, Tacoma 253-879-0291 May
4th -
WVCA Loyalty Days, WVCC, Newport, OR May
5th -
"Gas-Up" Chili Feed, Waller's, Lakebay, WA, 1:00PM May
- 10th "Glass on the Grass" Shine & Show, VCC,
Victoria, BC May
7th - Executive
Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM May
11th - CGCC
General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM May
- �Cruz Into Summer 2002,� Kelowna CC, Kelowna, BC May
18th - Rhododendron Festival Parade & Tour, Pt.
Townsend, WA May
18th -Waterfront Festival �All Corvette Show,�
MGCC, Anacortes May 18th - CRISTA Ministries (formerly Western Corvette) Corvette Show �N Shine, 19303 Fremont Ave. N., Seattle May
20th -
"Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00
PM May
24th-27th - Rose City CC
Tour to Victoria, BC May 25th-27th - "Big Sky �02", Great Falls, MT JUNE 2002 June
- Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM June
7th-9th - "26th
Vett-A-Bration", Valley Vettes, Yakima, WA June 8th - CMCS Show 'N Shine [NWACC #1], SeaTac Village, Federal Way, 11:00AM June
8th - CGCC
General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM June
13th-16th - 30th
Bloomington Gold, Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, IL June
14th-16th -BC tour with Canadians to Ashcroft, BC June
16th - Corvette
Owners' Picnic, Lk. Sammamish St. Pk. [Fathers' Day] June
16th - 6th Annual
Country Village Car Show, Country Village, Bothell June 20th - July 4th - Stars and Strips across America Tour. Tour begins in Blaine WA. and ends up at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. Information- Bob DePirro - June 21st-22nd - Northwest Automotive Nostalgia Meet, Fair Grounds, Puyallup, WA. Contact Larry Johnson at 360-786-8844, or June 27th-29th - NCRS Regional Meet, Bend, OR June 28th-29th - "V&T 27", Reno Corvettes, Reno, NV JULY 2002 July
- "Cruise-In On the Waterfront," Ruston Way, Tacoma July 5th-7th - PNW Historics Vintage Auto Races, Pacific Raceways, Kent. Note: Dick Gulstrand, noted "Vette racer & tuner scheduled to appear. July
6th - Seafair
Pirates' Invasion, Alki Point, Seattle July
- Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM July
11th - �School
Daze �02� ground school, Seaview Chevy, Lynnwood July
12th-14th - Show �N
Shine, Concours, & AutoX [NWACC #2], Olympia July
12th-14th -�Shadow of the Mountain� Tacoma CC,
Leavenworth, WA July
14th - Vashon
Island Strawberry Festival Car Parade, Vashon July
17th-21st - "25th
Black Hills Corvette Classic", Spearfish, SD July 17th - CMCS �School Daze 2002� driving school, Pacific Raceways, Kent, WA July
19th-21st - �Corvettes
on the High Desert,� High Desert CC, Bend, OR July
19th-21st - Goodguy�s
15th PNW Nationals, Fair Grounds, Puyallup July
20th -Shipwreck Days Car Show, MGCC, Anacortes, WA July
- West Seattle Hi-Yu Parade, West Seattle July
20th - CGCC
General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM July
25th-28th - �Vette
Fest 2002�, Valley Corvette Club, Boise, ID July
26th-29th - "Rose City Classic" [NWACC
#3], Rose City CC, Portland, OR July 26th-28th - Corvette Diamond Jubilee, Pacific Coast CC, Coos Bay OR. July 27th - 10th annual Glass On Grass. Spokane July 27th - Cruise the Narrows Car Show, Gig Harbor (253) 265-3648
- �Event at the Mountain,� NWCC, Mt. Hood, OR August
2nd-5th - "Thunder
in the Mountains", BCCC, Whistler, BC August 3rd-11th
-"Hot August Nights", Reno, NV August
6th - Executive
Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM August
8th-13th -50th Anniversary Celebration of the
Corvette, Monterey, CA August 8th-11th - "29th Vettes on the Rockies," Frisco, CO August
10th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing,
7:30 PM August
10th-14th - NCRS
National Convention, Monterrey, California August
16th-18th -
"5-Star" Corvette Weekend" [NWACC #4], CGCC,
Tacoma August 23rd-25th - Super Chevy Show, Pacific Raceway, Kent WA (740) 964-2350 August
23rd-25th - �Wild West
Vette Fest,� �Vettes of SE ID, W.Yellowstone, MT August
31st - 22nd
LeMay Automobile Collection Open House, Parkland August 31st - Anderson Island Parade & BBQ at Kennedy�s SEPTEMBER 2002 August
31st- September 2nd - NCM
Labor Day Event, Bowling Green, KY September
6th-8th - �Seattle in
September,� (CMCS), Seattle September 7th-8th - "Rod Run to the End of the World," Ocean Park, WA September
- Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM September 12th-15th - Lake Tahoe Tour 28, Corvettes of Fresno, Tahoe, CA September 14th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM September
14th - Corvette & High Performance Open House, Olympia,
WA September 16th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM September
19th-22nd - Stater Bros.
"Route '66 Rendezvous", San Bernardino, CA September 21st-22nd - Cascade Loop Tour with CMCS. September
NWACC Family Picnic
(tentative, details TBD) September 29th - Oyster Run Open Class Show-N-Shine, MGCC, Anacortes, WA OCTOBER 2002 October
5th - Orting
"Red Hat Days," Orting, WA October
8th - Executive
Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM October 12th
- CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM October 21st
- "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00
PM October (TBD) - NWACC Year-End Banquet NOVEMBER 2002 November
NWACC Year-end Banquet
(venue & details TBD) November
5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00
PM November
9th - CGCC
General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM November
18th -"Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix
Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM DECEMBER 2002 December
1st - Christmas Tree Lighting Parade, Tacoma, 3:30 PM December 10th
- Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM December 21st - CGCC Christmas Party, Elks Club, Tacoma, 6:00 PM December
16th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway,
Fife, 7:00pm
Other Northwest Corvette Club Event Pages Click here for the events page for the Corvette Marque Club - Seattle WA. Click here for the events page for the Rose City Corvette Club - Portland Or. Click here for the events page for Corvettes De Olympia - Olympia WA.