Classical Glass Corvette Club -


Please contact our events chair, Dave Baine, for any questions regarding these events. David can be reached via email at


Jan 21st - Corvette Z06 Signature car will be at Friendly Chevrolet - Bring your Car out to this fun event.

Jan 23rd - Olympic Torch passes by Friendly Chevrolet. All Corvette drivers and club members invited to come out and watch as the 2002 Winter Olympic Flame passes by the dealership.



Feb 5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm

Feb 9th- CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30pm

Feb 9th-10th- Corvette & High Performance Swap Meet, Puyallup  Fair Grounds. Info: Larry Johnson at 360-786-8844, or

Feb 15th-17th- Rod & Custom Show, The Expo, Portland OR.

Feb 18th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm


MARCH 2002

Mar 5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm

Mar 7th-10th - Seattle Roadster Show, Stadium Exhibition Center, Seattle WA. Info (877)236-0632, or

Mar 9th - CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30PM

Mar 17th - St Patrick's Day Social, "Guido's Downstairs" at the Cliff House Restaurant, 6300 Marine View Drive, Tacoma 6:00pm

Mar 18th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm


APRIL 2002

April 5th-7th - 38th Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center, Portland, OR.

April  9th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzels, Fife, 7:00pm

April 13th - 15th Annual Tulip Rally by MGCC/NWC, Mt. Vernon WA

April 13th - CGCC General Membership Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30pm.

April 14th - Skagit Valley Tulip Festival Tour, Mt Vernon, WA 

April 15th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm

April 20th - Daffodil Festival Parade, Tacoma/Puyallup/Sumner/Orting, WA

April 20th  - All-Club Invitational Spring Brunch & Tour (CMCS, details TBD)

 April 28th   - All City Rally XXII, Corvettes de Olympia, Olympia, WA 9:00AM

MAY 2002

May 3rd-5th - Route 66 Fun Run, Seligman, AZ

May 3rd-5th - Mild to Wild Car Show, Tacoma 253-879-0291

May 4th - WVCA Loyalty Days, WVCC, Newport, OR

May 5th - "Gas-Up" Chili Feed, Waller's, Lakebay, WA, 1:00PM

May 5th - 10th "Glass on the Grass" Shine & Show, VCC, Victoria, BC

May 7th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

May 11th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

May 17th-20th - �Cruz Into Summer 2002,� Kelowna CC, Kelowna, BC

May 18th - Rhododendron Festival Parade & Tour, Pt. Townsend, WA

May 18th -Waterfront Festival �All Corvette Show,� MGCC, Anacortes

May 18th - CRISTA Ministries (formerly Western Corvette) Corvette Show �N Shine, 19303 Fremont Ave. N., Seattle

May 20th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM

May 24th-27th - Rose City CC Tour to Victoria, BC

May 25th-27th -  "Big Sky �02", Great Falls, MT

JUNE 2002

 June  4th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

June 7th-9th - "26th Vett-A-Bration", Valley Vettes, Yakima, WA

June 8th - CMCS Show 'N Shine [NWACC #1], SeaTac Village, Federal Way, 11:00AM

June  8th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

June 13th-16th - 30th Bloomington Gold, Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, IL

June 14th-16th -BC tour with Canadians to Ashcroft, BC

June 16th - Corvette Owners' Picnic, Lk. Sammamish St. Pk. [Fathers' Day]

June 16th - 6th Annual Country Village Car Show, Country Village, Bothell  

June 20th - July 4th  - Stars and Strips across America Tour. Tour begins in Blaine WA. and ends up at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. Information- Bob DePirro -

June 21st-22nd - Northwest Automotive Nostalgia Meet, Fair Grounds, Puyallup, WA. Contact Larry Johnson at 360-786-8844, or

June 27th-29th - NCRS Regional Meet, Bend, OR

June 28th-29th -   "V&T 27", Reno Corvettes, Reno, NV

JULY 2002

July 4th - "Cruise-In On the Waterfront," Ruston Way, Tacoma  

July 5th-7th - PNW Historics Vintage Auto Races, Pacific Raceways, Kent. Note: Dick Gulstrand, noted "Vette racer & tuner scheduled to appear.

July 6th -  Seafair Pirates' Invasion, Alki Point, Seattle

July 9th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

July 11th - �School Daze �02� ground school, Seaview Chevy, Lynnwood

July 12th-14th - Show �N Shine, Concours, & AutoX [NWACC #2], Olympia

July 12th-14th -�Shadow of the Mountain� Tacoma CC, Leavenworth, WA

July 14th - Vashon Island Strawberry Festival Car Parade, Vashon

July 17th-21st - "25th Black Hills Corvette Classic", Spearfish, SD

July 17th - CMCS �School Daze 2002� driving school, Pacific Raceways, Kent, WA

July 19th-21st - �Corvettes on the High Desert,� High Desert CC, Bend, OR

July 19th-21st - Goodguy�s 15th PNW Nationals, Fair Grounds, Puyallup

July 20th -Shipwreck Days Car Show, MGCC, Anacortes, WA  

July 20th - West Seattle Hi-Yu Parade, West Seattle  

July 20th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM (NOTE: DATE CHANGE FOR THIS MONTH ONLY)!

July 25th-28th - �Vette Fest 2002�, Valley Corvette Club, Boise, ID

July 26th-29th - "Rose City Classic" [NWACC #3], Rose City CC, Portland, OR  

July 26th-28th - Corvette Diamond Jubilee, Pacific Coast CC, Coos Bay OR.

July 27th - 10th annual Glass On Grass. Spokane

July 27th - Cruise the Narrows Car Show, Gig Harbor (253) 265-3648


August  2nd-4th - �Event at the Mountain,� NWCC, Mt. Hood, OR

August  2nd-5th - "Thunder in the Mountains", BCCC, Whistler, BC

August 3rd-11th -"Hot August Nights", Reno, NV

August 6th -  Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

August 8th-13th -50th Anniversary Celebration of the Corvette, Monterey, CA  

August 8th-11th -    "29th Vettes on the Rockies," Frisco, CO

August 10th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

August 10th-14th - NCRS National Convention, Monterrey, California

August 16th-18th - "5-Star" Corvette Weekend" [NWACC #4], CGCC, Tacoma  

August 23rd-25th - Super Chevy Show, Pacific Raceway, Kent WA (740) 964-2350

August 23rd-25th - �Wild West Vette Fest,� �Vettes of SE ID, W.Yellowstone, MT

August 31st - 22nd LeMay Automobile Collection Open House, Parkland

August 31st - Anderson Island Parade & BBQ at Kennedy�s


August 31st- September 2nd -  NCM Labor Day Event, Bowling Green, KY

September 6th-8th - �Seattle in September,� (CMCS), Seattle  

September 7th-8th -  "Rod Run to the End of the World," Ocean Park, WA

September 10th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

September 12th-15th - Lake Tahoe Tour 28, Corvettes of Fresno, Tahoe, CA

September 14th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

September 14th - Corvette & High Performance Open House, Olympia, WA

September 16th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM

September 19th-22nd - Stater Bros. "Route '66 Rendezvous", San Bernardino, CA

September 21st-22nd - Cascade Loop Tour with CMCS.

September 28th - NWACC Family Picnic (tentative, details TBD)

September  29th - Oyster Run Open Class Show-N-Shine, MGCC, Anacortes, WA


October 5th - Orting "Red Hat Days," Orting, WA

October 8th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

October 12th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

October 21st - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM

October (TBD) - NWACC Year-End Banquet


November 2nd - NWACC Year-end Banquet (venue & details TBD)

November 5th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

November 9th - CGCC General Meeting, National Distributing, 7:30 PM

November 18th -"Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00 PM


December 1st - Christmas Tree Lighting Parade, Tacoma, 3:30 PM  (Note: Tentative)

December 10th - Executive Board Meeting, Mitzel�s, Fife, 7:00 PM

December 21st - CGCC Christmas Party, Elks Club, Tacoma, 6:00 PM

December 16th - "Vette Cup" Challenge, Grand Prix Raceway, Fife, 7:00pm


Other Northwest Corvette Club Event Pages

Click here for the events page for the Corvette Marque Club -  Seattle WA.

Click here for the events page for the Rose City Corvette Club - Portland Or.

Click here for the events page for Corvettes De Olympia  - Olympia WA.


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