Directions to Lou and Sue Caldwells House.
From Tacoma Dome: Take hwy 167 to 8th St (north of Sumner, south of
the Pierce/King county line) go east on 8th st all the way across the valley
( across Union Pacific tracks, thru 1 light, across river, past golf course,
across BNSF tracks, thru light at East Valley Hwy) go straight up the hill on
Lake Tapps Parkway, thru stoplight (new shopping center under construction on
right) to 3-way red blinking light. This is 16th st, go left on 16th to first
right (180th Av), left on 17th st (1 block), follow 17th st around to left to
186th Ave E, south (right ) on 186th to 1908-- numbers on tree, house on
right (water) side. phone 253-862-4848 Lou